
Friday 2 August 2013

Impact of science on society

Science is the organization of knowledge in such a way that it commands the hidden potential in nature. This hidden potential is surfaced out by the subject of science through the process of understanding. Science has proved to be of enormous beneficial nature .It has made lasting impact on regarding each and every field of human existence. Whether it is concerned with our day to day lives or whether it is related with the various modern developments which have resulted in elevating the living standards of the individuals.

The significant contributions which the study of this subject has made are enumerated below.
The various noteworthy scientific advances have helped the individuals in raising up of their self confidence.
This subject has enabled the human beings to control and modify their needs and requriements.With greater understanding of the scientific phenomena human beings have now become more confident about the environmental issues as compared to the people in the past.Infact science has promoted and paved the way for the independent and logical thinking.
Before the development of modern medicinal factors, a large number of people used to lose their precious lives because of the unavailability of the sources and medicines for a proper health care. With the advancements of science now the human life expectancy rate has increased as the various modern developments in the field of health care has helped in warding off the dangerous diseases...
The revolutions in surgery and medicine the infectious diseases like small pox, malaria, typhoid etc. have been eradicated. Thus science has improved the health standards of the people.
People used to travel on foot before the inventions of automobiles,aeroplanes and steam engines. They also used animal carts and camels for the purpose of moving from one place to another. However, the modern scientific inventions have proved to be of great  significance as it has added speed to the area of travel. The quick means of transportation have decreased the distances  and are a source of saving time. In fact it would not be wrong to regard that these inventions have added much peace to the  lives of the modern men.
Science has also played a significant part in the development of the modern communication technology. Earlier people were living  in isolation because of the slow means of communication. Now the well developed, efficient media have made it possible to  communicate with each other more rapidly and quickly. The impact of mass media is enormous. The use of computers and  televisions has made the world a global village where an event in one part of the world leaves an influence on the other.
Every invention of science has got its own merits and demerits. The most serious invention that science has contributed to is the  development of the weapons of mass destruction like the atom and nuclear bombs. The recent wars have greatly showed that how  much destruction can be brought about with the use of these lethal weapons. In fact these modern inventions of science have resulted  in the elevation of the anxiety and unrest in the modern societies.  Another notable demerit which the study of this subject has lead to the rise in the environmental deterioration. Day by day the pollution factor is increasing which has proved to be very toxic and harmful for the human health. Not only the human health it is also proving fatal for the animals as well as the existing plants.
The rapid developments of science and industrialization have also divided the world. The developed and the undeveloped. This division has lead to a widening gap between the status and the living standards of people. There is economic disparity which has also given rise to class distinction

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